Do you remember the last time you felt unstoppable, made a definitive decision, had your chest swell up with pride for how far you’ve come…or, I don’t know, ate a vegetable?
If you’re sitting there thinking “damn, it’s been a hot minute” – then you’re in the right place.
let me take a guess…
You’re spending way too much time and energy on trying to figure out the success formula that makes you emulate like “that girl” who always seems to have it all figured out
You have internal battles with your inner critic on what the next best step is for you to take, what offer to create, what pivot to make, or what project to start
You’re nervous about setting a higher income goal than last month because you weren’t even close to hitting that 10k month last time - so where is the proof that you’re on your way to becoming a millionaire this month
You wanna believe in the manifestation magic but your analytical mind won’t let you see proof in your own circumstances
Yeah… 👀 I see you. I hear you. I feel you.

That’s why I created…
A 12-week hybrid group program designed to help you remember who the fuck you are & CONNECT YOU BACK TO YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SOUl SO YOU CAN CONFIDENTLY CREATE MASSIVE WEALTH and live your dreams out loud.

Hi, I’m Alyssa
your free-spirited, unorthodox best friend (and mindset & Manifestation mentor)
With a natural fire for being eccentric, it only made sense that I bring that into my coaching, and it’s been so magical helping other women do the same.
Before I found my one true love of mindset and manifestation, I was slingin’ pasta and wine for a corporate restaurant chain. I worked my way up from server to manager, then dropped out of that world after losing both my parents within 6 months of each other. Something about that trauma lit a fire under my ass to shine brighter, live louder, and bring my gifts to the world.
I was that “weird” kid who talked too much about the metaphysical stuff, would spend more time in the new age section at Barnes & Noble than the CD section, listened to Art Bell, and watched bootleg alien abduction VHS’s I’d beg my dad to record for me.
Mental mindset musings were my ultimate hobby, and thankfully my parents encouraged it even though no one else my age was into that lol. I was always told growing up by teachers, friends, parents, family members, and even strangers that I had an old soul. Not really knowing what that even meant, looking back, I can see it so clearly. I have always been the natural mentor for my friends, family, and peers.
When I dropped out of the corporate world, I dabbled in affiliate marketing, social media management, and digital selling, just trying to find something that stuck, and for two years I ignored my intuition to go into coaching.
Do you ever have something so natural to you that you don’t even realize how it can be used in the world? Yeah… that was me with coaching.
Think of all those people on Pinterest who post their recipes and probably think before they post them, “I’m sure everyone knows how to bake an upside-down apple, pineapple, blueberry pound cake only using leftovers from their shepherd’s pie” I know that made you giggle, because it was a good one 😜
Outside of being a mindset and manifestation coach, I am severely in love with animals (specifically cows), would own an interior design business if I wasn’t doing this, I love reality TV, and if you mention just one bravolebrity I can throw you 3 opinions I have on them.
I’m a high-class country girl with a large hippy boho heart. I am living out my dream life with my husband in Texas currently studying up on all things homesteading and natural living with some M&Ms in my hand 😉
If you’re vibin’ then let’s fucking goooo!
Confidence to Cash is for you if…
Every morning before you start your day, you’re not even eating breakfast or setting aside 5 minutes to set intentions for your day.
When you sit down to reply to clients, you’re not even lit up to talk to them because exhaustion has set up personal real estate in your mind & body.
After you have dinner and start bedtimes, you get right back into “work mode” and sis… the sun has already set.
You say every month that you’ll start planning to take time off, and every month keeps passing you by because you simply aren’t prioritizing vacations and freedom.
There are dozens of incredible things you want to manifest on your desire lists, like that 50k month or that brand new wardrobe to wear on your first class trip to Europe BUT those lists are collecting dust because “you just don’t have time” to work on applying aligned action.
You have this wild incredible dream to live off the land in your dream home but aren’t doing anything to bring that dream to fruition.
You’re spending more time racking your brain around how to take time off than actually taking the time off.
…it's time to change this for the good
lucky for you, you’ve made it to the promise land here in c2c
where all the women in my world become magnets for cash & masters of manifestation
what you can expect inside c2c
Inside this 12-week hybrid group program, we’re connecting you back to your mind, body, and soul—the pyramid of all pyramids—by taking a look at your nervous system, creating bulletproof confidence in every area of your life, teaching you how to co-create with the universe to live your dreams out loud, and guiding you through your unique energy so that you can confidently create massive wealth for yourself & your fam.
Group Slack community for questions and connections
Online portal with self-paced modules and resources
How to embody your highest self
Learning the energy of money and how to co-create with it
Energy healing for your nervous system
Enhance your manifesting energy
Getting clarity around your value
Breaking up with people pleasing
Understanding the power behind fun & self-care practices
How to apply aligned action without ever burning out
Becoming THE leader of your industry
Learning to become a master manifester
Attracting abundance
Strengthening your money mindset

You’re going to use your newfound confidence to
generate cash within you to be fully flowing freely in abundance
(the abundance you’ve been foaming at the mouth over)
“Your no bullshit approach really pushed me to go after the things I want. I felt like you were in my corner and cheering me on because you care. You aren't as interested in the numbers as previous coaches I've had. And you really made me feel like I could run my business however I wanted instead of conforming to "what worked for other people."
- Client C
“I feel more power. I know that sounds crazy I am sure. But I feel like I am so deserving of not only receiving money, but being my best fucking self. No longer taking crap from anyone. And just really living out my BEST most authentic life the way I WANT to.”
- Client K
“Instead of thinking about the "if" of having my dream amount, thinking about the "what I'll do with" the dream amount felt like an important shift in having a mindset of abundance. I feel more confident because it feels like more of a probably instead of an "I hope." Also, getting creative with ways to make money (aside from clients) gives me confidence and I feel more empowered about being in control of money. “
- Client KW

I know you’re ready to break up with the nights you lay in bed, with your brain turning with business ideas and to-do lists.
I know you’re ready to stop physically feeling like you’re hanging on by a thread.
I know you desire a life free of exhaustion and copious amounts of caffeine.
I know you’re ready to let your soul finally shine its beautiful colors for the world to see.
I know you’re ready to change from just walking through your days thinking, “one day, when I get there, I’ll be able to relax,” to “today’s the day I start releasing some of the pressure.”
I know you’re ready to feel like what you charge feels in total alignment.
I know you’ve been patiently waiting for someone to help you create your personalized blueprint for building Adam Sandler level confidence so you can make your dreams of wealth a reality.
I know it. And you know it.
so Come take a seat on the inside—That feeling of “I deserve to be living for a living” has guided you here for a reason.

are you ready to create unshakeable confidence & authenticity to become a magnet for money?!
or 3 monthly payments of $1,111
Questions? Send an email to alyssa@alyssasimpsonx.com
© 2024 Alyssa Simpson Coaching