You know those stories of people who went from rags to riches? Or the ones where someone had so much stacked against them that it looked like they’d never amount to shit on paper, and they go on to own multi-million dollar companies? These kinds of stories aren’t folklore; they’re not the roulette ball landing on a double zero; it’s not luck that helped them have incredible victory stories… it’s all backed by mindset and energetics.
I have chosen to believe and teach that the mind is the most powerful tool we get to use while we’re here on earth. There are studies on top of studies that support my beliefs and teachings and I have witnessed firsthand some really incredible success stories that all come down to harnessing the power within.
I have dedicated myself to empowering women to dream loud, receive loud, and live loud with my unique woo-adjacent approach to coaching and mentorship. The fact you’re here right now is already such a bold move and I can’t wait to help you change your world!
When things are so natural and secondhand to you, you just think it’s natural and secondhand to everyone and I learned very quickly after building my coaching business that it isn’t as natural for others, and that made my heart feel multiple things… one being sadness because when you know and really understand manifestation and the power of your mind, everything opens up and I just couldn’t wrap my head around how there are so many people walking around neglecting their natural power within them.
And second feeling being joy because I get to be the one teach others something I’m obsessed with like manifestation and the power of the mind. Pst… did you know people literally heal themselves from disease with their minds? Did you know that there are cases where people have grown their muscles by using just their minds? Did you know that you’re manifesting every second of every day even if you’re not aware of it? Okay okay okay, before I start nerdin’ out on you, let me wrap this essay up.